2014 in Review

2014 was indeed a great year for making things!  I feel like I learned some great skills including sewing curves and improved FMQ technique. I participated in A Lovely Year of Finishes for several months; here’s a list of the goals accomplished this year:

2014  Mosaic

March: Quilt of Neptune
April: Spring Stripes II
May: Fortunate Granny
June: Fields of Foxes
July: Metro Rings I top
August: Finishing Metro Rings I
October: Aeroplane Bag
December: Metro Rings II
(Also pictured is Gathering Flowers because I’m proud of it and needed an 8th photo for the mosaic)

I’m linking up with the 2014 ALOYF Finish Party.

In addition to the above, I also finished three of my six (admittedly lofty) Q4 Finish Along goals: the Aeroplane Bag and Metro Rings II above, as well as four Geranium dresses.

Here’s to much more sewing in 2014!
My Button2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Year Change in Consideration

Hi.  Happy 2014.  It seems weird to type that, seeing how fast November and December went ’round these parts.  2013 was a really, really fabulous year, for the most part.  There was a lot of change, to be sure, what with the marriage and moving and new job/career, but all that took place in a five week period of February, and the rest of the year has been settling into life together.  My husband thinks I don’t cook nearly enough for him, and that I trail small bits of thread all over the house, and I do believe that I have seen more football this year than I ever thought possible, but for the most part, we have a cozy, happy life.  The new career direction came out of nowhere and sort of surprised me, to be honest.  While I have a few hesitations surrounding time and timing, I feel hopeful about it.  Between marriage and work, there were pillow fights and walks, chicken biscuits, family time, trips to the beach and road trips north, west, and south.  A good year.

I don’t often go in for resolutions, but I’m thinking of making a couple.

  • To get fitter.  To that end, my cousins and I are doing a 90-day fitness challenge.  I have some pain/tension issues in my upper back and neck, and I would like to deal with that as well.
  • Finish what I’ve started, regarding quilts and knitting.  I have three quilts ready to quilt and bind, and a pair of socks that needs to be done before winter.  Reduce the fabric and yarn stash (ha ha ha) to what will reasonably fit into two closet shelves.

And now for the obligatory Look What I Made in 2013 mosaic!

2013 FOs by Lucymade

1. Marilinda Socks, 2. Octopus!, 3. Petite Pachyderm, 4. Spring Stripes I quilt, 5. Llamas in Log Cabins, 6. To Boston with Love flag, 7. Stripey Pillow 1, 8. Blue Squiddy Socks, 9. Cuzco Crossing Finished, 10. Inglenook Fibers Garden Path, 11. Musketeer Toes, 12. QAYG Christmas Stockings Complete

Here’s to 2014!